Excluding an overhand baseball pitch and the movement you described in the Week 6 discussion board, select a sport or exercise-related movement that involves motion of both the glenohumeral and elbow joints. Provide a succinct biomechanical description of the action (i.e. acceleration phase or concentric portion) phase of the movement including the following components:
Anatomical description of the movement (see Hall, chapter 7 for reference)
Description of the movements of the scapula, glenohumeral joint, and elbow joints that occur
Identification of the agonist muscles that are causing the movement at each (scapula, glenohumeral, and elbow) joint
The plane of motion through which the glenohumeral joint is moving
Biomechanical description of the movement (see concepts from Weeks 2-5)
Identify the frame of reference from which you will describe the kinematics
Describe the angular kinematics of the motion including the relative changes in position, velocity, and acceleration that occur
Injury associated with the movement
Identify one (1) specific type of injury that may occur in the upper extremity from the activity
Describe the mechanism of injury and structures involved
Identify one (1) potential prevention strategy OR one (1) potential rehabilitation method for that injury
This paper should be double spaced, about 2 pages in length, and in APA format.