In the example below, the writers position statement is supported by three distinct points that, along with the counter perspective, structure the entire essay. On the next page, you will combine your position and supporting points to create your thesis statement.
Hook: Most people who get tattoos as teenagers dont think about how their body art might affect their future. [find current laws about minors and tattoos]
Position Statement: Teenagers should be legally barred from getting tattoos
First Point: Teens lack brain development
quote from Scientific American article
information from Credo search
Second Point: Tattoos have health risks
American Medical Association website
Health risks from interview with dermatologist
Third Point: Damage to future employment prospects
anecdote from Harvard Business Review
data from Gallup poll about interview first impressions
Counter Perspective: Parental rights to approve tattoos
If a parent feels strongly, an exception can be made, but this is probably rare [look for evidence about parents approving tattoos]
Rephrased Thesis Statement: State laws should prevent…
Action Request: Find out your states laws