Business communication
with MyLab BusinessCommunication®
Reporting DashboardView, analyze, and report learning outcomes clearly and easily, and get the information you need to keep your students on track throughout the course with the new Reporting Dashboard. Available via the MyLab Gradebook and fully mobile- ready, the Reporting Dashboard presents student performance data at the class, section, and program levels in an accessible, visual manner.
Pearson eTextKeeps students engaged in learning on their own time, while helping them achieve greater conceptual understanding of course material. The worked examples bring learning to life, and algorithmic practice allows students to apply the very concepts they are reading about. Combining resources that illuminate content with accessible self- assessment, MyLab with eText provides students with a complete digital learning experienceall in one place.
Quizzes and TestsPre-built quizzes and tests allow you to quiz students without having to grade the assignments yourself.
Video ExercisesThese engaging videos explore a variety of business topics related to the theory students are learning in class. Quizzes assess students’ comprehension of the concepts covered in each video.
Learning CatalyticsIs an interactive, student response tool that uses students’ smartphones, tablets, or laptops to engage them in more sophisticated tasks and thinking. Now included with MyLab with eText, Learning Catalytics enables you to generate classroom discussion, guide your lecture, and promote peer-to-peer learning with real-time analytics. Instructors, you can:
? ?? Pose a variety of open-ended questions that help your students develop critical thinking skills
? ?? Monitor responses to find out where students are struggling ? ?? Use real-time data to adjust your instructional strategy and
try other ways of engaging your students during class ? ?? Manage student interactions by automatically grouping
students for discussion, teamwork, and peer-to-peer learning
Giving Students the Skills and Insights They Need to Thrive in Todays Digital Business Environment The essential skills of writing, listening, collaborating, and public speaking are as important as ever, but theyre not enough to succeed in todays business world. As business communication continues to get rocked by waves of innovationfirst digital media, then social media, now mobile communication, and watch out for the upcoming invasion of chatbotsthe nature of communication is changing. And the changes go far deeper than the tools themselves.
In this exciting but complex new world, no other textbook can match the depth and range of coverage offered by Business Communication Today.
Figure 1.7 The Social Communication Model
The social communication model differs from conventional communication strategies and practices in a
number of significant ways. Youre probably already an accomplished user of many new-media tools, and this
experience will help you on the job.
Tendencies Publication, broadcast
One to many; mass audience
Low message frequency
Few channels
Information hoarding
Conventional Promotion: We Talk, You Listen
The Social Model: Lets Have a Conversation
Tendencies Converstion
Bidirectional, multidirectional
One to one; many to many
High message frequency
Many channels
Information sharing
Tools, Techniques, and Insights for Communicating Successfully in a Mobile, Digital, Social World?
As you practice using various media and channels in this course, its best to focus on the fundamentals of planning, writing, and completing messages, rather than on the specific details of any one medium or system.2 Fortunately, the basic communication skills required usually transfer from one system to another. You can succeed with written communication in virtually all digital media by using one of nine compositional modes:
?? Conversations. Messaging is a great example of a written medium that mimics spoken conversation. And just as you wouldnt read a report to someone sitting in your office, you wouldnt use conversational modes to exchange large volumes of information or to communicate with more than a few people at once.
?? Comments and critiques. One of the most powerful aspects of social media is the opportunity for interested parties to express opinions and provide feedback, whether by leaving comments on a blog post or reviewing products on an e-commerce site.
Many business presentations these days involve more than just the spoken conversation between the speaker and his or her audience. Using Twitter and other digital media, audi- ence members often carry on their own parallel communication during a presentation via the backchannel, which the presentation expert Cliff Atkinson defines as a line of com- munication created by people in an audience to connect with others inside or outside the room, with or without the knowledge of the speaker.29 Chances are youve participated in an informal backchannel already, such as when texting with your classmates or live-
Producing Business Videos No matter what career path you pursue, chances are youll have the need or opportunity to produce (or star in) a business video. For videos that require the highest production quality, companies usually hire specialists with the necessary skills and equipment. For most routine needs, however, any business communicator with modest equipment and a few basic skills can create effective videos.
The three-step process adapts easily to video; professionals refer to the three steps as preproduction, production, and postproduction (see Figure 9.15). You can refer to one of the many books available on basic video production techniques for more detail, but here are the key points to consider in all three steps. (A note on terminology: digital video- graphy has inherited a number of terms from film that dont make strict technical sense but are in common use anyway, including footage to indicate any amount of recorded video and filming to indicate video recording.)
Identify the most important
considerations in the preproduction,
production, and postproduction
stages of producing basic business
The process of creating videos is
divided into preproduction, pro-
duction, and postproduction.
Figure 8.2 Business Applications of Blogging
This Xerox blog illustrates the content, writing style, and features that make an effective, reader-friendly company blog. Source: Courtesy of Xerox Corporation.
Like many large corporations, Xerox has a variety
of blogs. This menu give quick access to all of
The search box lets visitors quickly find posts on
topics of interest.
A large photo helps draw readers in.
Readers can subscribe to future posts via email
or RSS newsfeed.
The post title is brief and clear, and it incorporates
key terms likely to trigger hits in search engines
(Internet of Everything and energy).
These links provide access to other posts by this
author and other posts tagged with innovation.
Social media share buttons make it easy for
readers to share this post with their followers.
The sidebar lists recent posts and recent com-
ments left by readers.
The post positions the company as an expert in
an important technology field, without overtly
selling Xerox products and services.
H e ro
I m
a g e s /G
e tt
Im a g e s
Figure 2.3 Collaboration on Mobile Devices
Mobile connectivity is transforming collaboration activities, helping teams and work groups stay connected
no matter where their work takes them. For example, this team was able to discuss and edit a press release
using their tablets in different locations.
C o u rt e s y o f C a fe R ia
The Unique Demands of Mobile Business
Intriguing Glimpses into the Future of Business Communication?
The Mobile Revolution
As much of a game changer as social media have been, some experts predict that mobile communication will change the nature of business and business communication even more. The venture capitalist Joe Schoendorf says that mobile is the most disruptive technology that I have seen in 48 years in Silicon Valley.21 The researcher Maribel Lopez calls mobile the biggest technology shift since the Internet.22
Companies recognize the value of integrating mobile technology, from communica-
Whether its emailing, social networking, watching videos, or doing research, the percent- age of communication and media consumption performed on mobile devices continues to grow. For millions of people around the world, a mobile device is their primary way, if not their only way, to access the Internet. Globally, more than 80 percent of Internet users access the web with a mobile device at least some of the time.24
Mobile has become the primary communication tool for many business professionals,
The rise of mobile communication has some obvious implications, such as the need for websites to be mobile friendly. If youve ever tried to browse a conventional website on a tiny screen or fill in complicated online forms using the keypad on your phone, you know how frustrating the experience can be. Users increasingly expect websites to be mobile friendly, and theyre likely to avoid sites that arent optimized for mobile.30
Writing Messages for Mobile Devices One obvious adaptation to make for audiences using mobile devices is to modify the design and layout of your messages to fit smaller screen sizes and different user interface features(see Chapter 6). However, modifying your approach to writing is also an important step. Reading is more difficult on small screens, and consequently users ability to compre- hend what they read on mobile devices is lower than it is on larger screens.18 In fact, research
In addition to making your content mobile-friendly using the writing tips in Chapter 4 (see page 108), you can follow these steps in formatting that content for mobile devices:
?? Think in small chunks. Remember that mobile users consume information one screen at a time, so try to divide your message into independent, easy-to-consume bites. If readers have to scroll through a dozen screens to piece together your message, they might miss your point or just give up entirely.
?? Make generous use of white space. White space is always helpful, but its critical
Figure 17.6 Using Mobile Devices in Presentations
A variety of mobile apps and cloud-based systems can free presenters and audiences from the constraints of
a conventional conference room.
The mobile business communication revolution is changing the way employers recruit new talent and the way job candi- dates look for opportunities. Many companies have optimized their careers websites for mobile access, and some have even developed mobile apps that offer everything from background information on what its like to work there to application
her career and the industry as a whole. Many of the tools you can use to build your personal brand are available as mobile apps, including blogging platforms, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Dozens of apps are available to help with various aspects of your job search. Résumé creation apps let you quickly
job-search strategies: Maximize Your Mobile
The bots are back. Automated bots (short for robots) made a small wave a decade or so ago when chatbots began appear- ing on websites to help companies handle online conversations with customers. Ikeas Anna, perhaps the first chatbot to get widespread attention, was built to answer routine questions from customers looking for advice regarding the chains fur- niture products. Other chatbots followed, smartphones gained virtual voicebot assistants, and non-chatty bots continued
Communication Bots
The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the billions of devices now connected to the Internet and the networking potential of having all these gadgets communicate with each other, feed data into vast information warehouses, and interact with peo- ple and the physical environment. These things range from simple sensors that measure temperature, location, and other parameters all the way up to robots and other complex systems. People and animals with Internet-capable sensors (such as
the internet of things
S o ft w
a re
G a rd
e n
the future Of cOMMuNIcatION
If youve ever tried to converse in a language other than you native tongue, you know what a challenge this can be. As a listener, you have to convert the incoming sounds to discrete words and assemble these words into coherent phrases and sentences in order to extract the meaning. And unlike reading a written document, you have to do all this processing almost instantaneously, without the luxury of going back over some- thing you didnt get. As a speaker, you have to find the right
Real-Time Translation
Assessing an audiences emotional response is an important step in judging the success of many communication efforts. If youre presenting a new idea to upper management, for exam- ple, you can try to read facial clues and other nonverbal signals to determine whether the executives seem excited, annoyed, bored, or anywhere in between.
But what if youre not there in person and your message has to stand on its own? How can you judge the audiences reaction? This challenge has been taken up by a range of artificial intelli-
Emotion Recognition Software
Figure 5.6a
Optimizing for mobile includes
writing short headlines that get
right to the point.
This introduction conveys only the
information readers need in order
to grasp the scope of the article.
All the key points of the documents
appear here on the first screen.
Readers who want more detail can
swipe down for background infor-
mation on the five points.
O ff ic
e 3
6 5 ,
© M
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Business Communication Today
Courtland L. Bovée Professor of Business CommuniCaTion
C. allen Paul DisTinguisheD Chair
grossmonT College
John V. Thill Chairman anD Chief exeCuTive offiCer
gloBal CommuniCaTion sTraTegies
Harlow, England London New York Boston San Francisco Toronto Sydney Dubai Singapore Hong Kong Tokyo Seoul Taipei New Delhi Cape Town São Paulo Mexico City Madrid Amsterdam Munich Paris Milan
Fourteenth Edition Global Edition
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Authorized adaptation from the United States edition, entitled Business Communication Today, 14th Edition, ISBN 978-0-13-456218-6 by Courtland L. Bovée
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your education, and we wish you the very best with your careers.
Courtland L. Bovée
John V. Thill
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Brief Contents
Preface 21
Prologue 41
PART 1 understanding the foundations of Business Communication 49
1 Professional Communication in a Digital, Social, Mobile World 51
2 Collaboration, Interpersonal Communication, and Business Etiquette 85
3 Communication Challenges in a Diverse, Global Marketplace 117
PART 2 applying the Three-step Writing Process 143
4 Planning Business Messages 145
5 Writing Business Messages 173
6 Completing Business Messages 201
PART 3 Digital, social, and visual media 227
7 Digital Media 229
8 Social Media 253
9 Visual Media 277
PART 4 Brief messages 311
10 Writing Routine and Positive Messages 313
11 Writing Negative Messages 341
12 Writing Persuasive Messages 377
PART 5 reports and Proposals 409
13 Finding, Evaluating, and Processing Information 411
14 Planning Reports and Proposals 435
15 Writing and Completing Reports and Proposals 463
PART 6 Developing and Delivering Business Presentations 505
16 Developing Presentations in a Social Media Environment 507
17 Enhancing Presentations with Slides and Other Visuals 533
PART 7 Writing employment messages and interviewing for Jobs 559
18 Building Careers and Writing Résumés 561
19 Applying and Interviewing for Employment 593
APPENDIX A Format and Layout of Business Documents 626
APPENDIX B Documentation of Report Sources 640
APPENDIX C Correction Symbols 646
handbook of grammar, mechanics, and usage 649
Brand, organization, name, and Website index 678
subject index 681
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Preface 21 Prologue 41
PART 1 understanding the foundations of Business Communication 49
1 Professional Communication in a Digital, Social, Mobile World 51
CommuniCaTion Close-uP aT KLM 51
understanding Why Communication matters 52
Communication Is Important to Your Career 52
Communication Is Important to Your Company 53
What Makes Business Communication Effective? 54
Communicating as a Professional 54
Understanding What Employers Expect from You 56
Communicating in an Organizational Context 57
Adopting an Audience-Centered Approach 57
exploring the Communication Process 58
The Basic Communication Model 58
The Social Communication Model 63
The mobile revolution 64
The Rise of Mobile as a Communication Platform 65
How Mobile Technologies Are Changing Business
Communication 65
using Technology to improve Business
Communication 67
Keeping Technology in Perspective 68
Guarding Against Information Overload 68
Using Technological Tools Productively 68
Reconnecting with People 69
Committing to ethical and legal Communication 74
Distinguishing Ethical Dilemmas from Ethical Lapses 74
Ensuring Ethical Communication 75
Ensuring Legal Communication 77
CommuniCaTion Challenges aT KLM 78
Quick learning guide 79
Test Your Knowledge 81
apply Your Knowledge 81
Practice Your skills 81
expand Your skills 82
ThE FuTurE OF COMMuniCaTiOn The internet of
Things 62
EnVirOnMEnT its all fun and gamesand effective
Business Communication 69
2 Collaboration, Interpersonal Communication, and Business Etiquette 85
CommuniCaTion Close-uP aT Cemex 85
Communicating effectively in Teams 86
Advantages and Disadvantages of Teams 86
Characteristics of Effective Teams 87
Group Dynamics 88
Collaborating on Communication efforts 91
Guidelines for Collaborative Writing 91
Technologies for Collaborative Writing 91
Givingand Responding toConstructive Feedback 94
making Your meetings more Productive 94
Preparing for Meetings 95
Conducting and Contributing to Efficient Meetings 95
Putting Meeting Results to Productive Use 96
using meeting Technologies 98
improving Your listening skills 99
Recognizing Various Types of Listening 99
Understanding the Listening Process 100
Overcoming Barriers to Effective Listening 100
improving Your nonverbal Communication
skills 102
Recognizing Nonverbal Communication 102
Using Nonverbal Communication Effectively 103
Developing Your Business etiquette 104
Business Etiquette in the Workplace 104
Business Etiquette in Social Settings 107
Business Etiquette Online 107
Business Etiquette Using Mobile Devices 108
CommuniCaTion Challenges aT Cemex 109
Quick learning guide 110
Test Your Knowledge 112
apply Your Knowledge 112
Practice Your skills 112
expand Your skills 114
EThiCS DETECTiVE how Did We Turn into i? 87
ThE arT OF PrOFESSiOnaLiSM Being a Team
Player 90
COMMuniCaTinG aCrOSS CuLTurES Kiasu 106
12 Contents
3 Communication Challenges in a Diverse, Global Marketplace 117
CommuniCaTion Close-uP aT Siemens aG 117
understanding the opportunities and Challenges
of Communication in a Diverse World 118
Opportunities in a Global Marketplace 118
Advantages of a Diverse Workforce 119
The Challenges of Intercultural Communication 119
Developing Cultural Competency 120
Understanding the Concept of Culture 120
Overcoming Ethnocentrism and Stereotyping 121
recognizing variations in a Diverse World 122
Contextual Differences 122
Legal and Ethical Differences 122
Social Differences 123
Nonverbal Differences 124
Age Differences 124
Gender Differences 125
Religious Differences 126
Ability Differences 126
adapting to other Business Cultures 127
Guidelines for Adapting to Any Business Culture 127
Guidelines for Adapting to U.S. Business Culture 127
improving intercultural Communication
skills 128
Studying Other Cultures 129
Studying Other Languages 129
Respecting Preferences for Communication Style 129
Writing Clearly 131
Speaking and Listening Carefully 132
Using Interpreters, Translators, and Translation Software 135
Helping Others Adapt to Your Culture 137
CommuniCaTion Challenges aT Siemens aG 137
Quick learning guide 138
Test Your Knowledge 139
apply Your Knowledge 139
Practice Your skills 139
expand Your skills 140
COMMuniCaTinG aCrOSS CuLTurES us versus Them:
generational Conflict in the Workplace 125
ThE FuTurE OF COMMuniCaTiOn real-Time
Translation 130
PART 2 applying the Three-step Writing Process 143
4 Planning Business Messages 145 CommuniCaTion Close-uP aT Wolff Olins 145
understanding the Three-step Writing
Process 146
Optimizing Your Writing Time 147
Planning Effectively 147
analyzing the situation 147
Defining Your Purpose 148
Developing an Audience Profile 148
gathering information 150
Uncovering Audience Needs 151
Finding Your Focus 151
Providing Required Information 151
selecting the Best Combination of media and
Channels 153
The Most Common Media and Channel Options 153
Factors to Consider When Choosing Media and
Channels 157
organizing Your information 160
Defining Your Main Idea 161
Limiting Your Scope 161
Choosing Between Direct and Indirect Approaches 162
Outlining Your Content 163
Building Reader Interest with Storytelling Techniques 165
CommuniCaTion Challenges aT Wolff Olins 168
Quick learning guide 169
Test Your Knowledge 170
apply Your Knowledge 170
Practice Your skills 170
expand Your
Read more
Applied Sciences
Architecture and Design
Business & Finance
Computer Science
Environmental science
Human Resource Management
Information Systems
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