You need to read the Guidelines on Mobile Device Forensics, please see that attached file. Then summarize the Acquisition section number 5.
In addition to summarizing the Acquisition section, the paper should also answer these questions:
Who is the NIST and what is their stake in, or relationship to, mobile devices?
Do you think it’s important (both personally and for the mobile device forensics field) to have a document such as the Guidelines on Mobile Device Forensics? Why or why not?
What potential downsides do you see to having and following guidelines such as these? Are there any recommendations you would make to improve the guidelines?
Of the three sections listed above, which do you think is the most important step in the forensics process, and why?
If you haven’t already addressed this in your paper, explain why you summarized the section that you did.
The paper must be 3 pages in length and use proper APA formatting and citations.