An essential part of working in healthcare is being able to work effectively in groups. As more people telework, it is vital that you be able to work with your colleagues across time zones and adapt to some of the challenges that come with working remotely. Therefore, your final project is a group project.
In Week 1, you were assigned a Group. As a group, you are to complete the following project.
Read through the following scenario to get started:
Imagine that you are a healthcare administrator at a hospital in a large city. The hospital does not currently have any diversity and inclusion initiatives or practices in place. The chief executive officer has formed a team of her best healthcare administrators in the hospital to construct a diversity and inclusion initiative/plan with the intent of creating a more inclusive work environment. She plans on making diversity and inclusion a priority for the hospital in the upcoming strategic plan.
Your assignment is to:
1) Formulate a diversity and inclusion initiative/plan for the hospital
The hospital’s current workforce data is provided as an attachment to this assignment; however, think beyond gender and race as your formulate your initiative/plan.
2) Consider adding the following elements to your initiative/plan
Identify the purpose
Guiding principles
Communication and engagement strategy
Timeline of expectations
Realistic goals and objectives
Measurable indicators for each goal
How buy-in will be created
3) Present your plan to the board of directors via a PowerPoint Presentation
There are many diversity and inclusion initiatives/plan templates available online and in the virtual classroom. Do not feel constrained by any of the examples. Structure your initiative/plan in a way that is agreeable among your group.