Teaching Children Science: A Discovery Approach Discussion Response
min 200 word reply with biblical references and reference attached text
God filled the world with so many unexplainable wonders. Often times when we are faced with these magnificent scientific sights we ask ourselves how and why. If we were to simply open a textbook to find the answer to these how and why questions, we would of course find the answer to most of these phenomenons, however we would be alienating ourselves from learning an applying the skills we would use while executing an inquiry based experiment to answer the how and why questions we have about these phenomenons. DeRosa and Abruscato (2014) state “As the gatekeepers of learning, you can start children on the path to a lifetime of discovery by teaching them thinking skills and science practices they need to explore the unknown” (pg. 5). As educators when we engage students in inquiry based experiements we also teach them discovery, reasoning, processing, and many other skills. These skills can also translate to non science related inquiries students may have. They will be able to follow the same steps and procedure in order to problem solve or discover information that is unknown to them. That is why it is important for for students to conduct inquiry experiments.
Some resources we can use to promote inquiry experimentation within our classroom is to set up independent discovery stations. These stations can provide students with the resources they need to create their own solutions to certain problems. These stations can help create a natural interest in taking the discovery approach when trying to solve problems within in science or their own personal lives. Another important resource that should be at the fingertips of students in a discovery based science classroom are the multiple venues for students with different learning styles to discover. There should be visual , audio, kinesthetic, written, multiple other methods for students to express their discoveries.
A challenge expressed by DeRosa and Abruscato (2014) was tailoring to the many diverse learning abilities and disabilities within your classroom stating “One of your greatest challenges will be creating a classroom atmosphere and learning experiences that optimize learning for children with a diversity of learning abilities” (pg. 29). A way to address this challenge is to make sure differentiation is well oiled machine within your classroom. This will help students feel an overall confidence is choosing their discovery pathway within your classroom and foster many organic learning experiences. The main benefit to establishing a discovery approach within your science classroom is creating independent thinkers who are able to think beyond their present day horizon and become the next innovators and creators of our future. DeRosa and Abruscato (2014) state “ Great tinkers have the extraordinary ability to create and keep complex mental models of a system in their minds and imagine what would happen when different elements in the models interact in different ways” (pg.6).
DeRosa, D. A., & Abruscato, J. (2014). Teaching children science: A discovery approach. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
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