Importance of good health Child’s Cognitive Ability Media Portfolio
Question Description
Media Portfolio Assignment
Developa Media Portfolio with two entries/artifacts showing encounters withtopics in Psychology in your real-world experiences. You may choose anytype of media source.However, sources like Wikipedia are not acceptable. Media sources should have been published no longer ago than two years.Keep track of where it was collected (title of magazine, newspaper,transcript, etc) and when it was published to use as your citation foreach entry.This project will be two mini papers consisting of researchbased work for each entry (artifact, media source), including one coverpage, one abstract, two media sources and three pages of research basedwork for each media source (artifact, entry) (six pages total researchwork) and two reference pages with a minimum of three references citedper entry (artifact, media source) submitted in APA formatelectronically.
Develop ascholarly understanding of course materials and develop an ability tosee real world relevance of psychological principles outside of theclassroom,
Portfolio contents:
Locate a media source wherein you apply psychological concepts.
Collect newspaper, magazine clippings, and/or journal articles that illustrate those psychological concepts.
Youmust utilize a variety of sources.You should have two different topicsfrom two different media sources.Each topic must have at least three different works citing your research on the topic.
Include newspapers, magazines, editorials, peer reviewed journals, transcripts from recent events in society.
Informationthat you view during television news programs or series may be used ifyou can find a downloadable (or printable) summary or reference from theshow or network’s website.
Attach the media source(entry, artifact) to an essay of three APA typed pages per topic, whichdoes not include cover, abstract, and reference pages.Provide the source of the materials, date of publication or broadcast and how it relates to psych concepts or theories from the text or lecture.
Each artifact will have three pages of content excluding cover, abstract, and references.
Include pictures of the authors, or pictures of how the article relates to psychology.
Be as creative as possible.
Identifythe psychology topic(s) that the media source illustrates to you,research and in writing detail the connection using your text and otherresearch to help you describe the relationship.
Summary of artifact
Identification and explanation of at least three connections between the artifact and psychological concepts for each entry.
Conclusion for each entry
Evaluation will include:
Relevance of artifacts to course materials
Accuracy of your descriptions and links to course material
Covers a range of topics
Variety of materials
Grammar and composition (APA)
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