Environmental Policy Of USA Climiate Change Questions Help
Question Description
Topic #1 Where are we now?
http://www.un.org/en/climatechange/un-climate-summit-2019.shtml (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674927817301028 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
This is a running tally of all the environmental policies that this administration has enacted in chronological order. Please take a look at the last 10 and pick 2 that really stand out to you! I am happy to share that there is a positive one in there, which is the first I have seen since tracking this 2 years ago!
https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2017/03/how-trump-is-changing-science-environment/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
https://www.who.int/en/news-room/detail/15-09-2017-world-hunger-again-on-the-rise-driven-by-conflict-and-climate-change-new-un-report-says (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Answer the following questions based on the links above and readings 22 through 24:
1. What are the Action Portfolios put in place for the Paris Accord for 2019?
2. What are 3 ramifications for the world, China, and the U.S. associated with the U.S. pulling out of the accord?
3. What were the 2 most recent policy changes that impacted you the most and why, in the National Geographic post?
4. Looking at your readings (22 through 24) and the UN report, what is the impact of the US’s climate policy on world hunger (please give 3 examples from the readings to support your answer along with 2 from the UN report)?
Topic #2 We are all interconnected
(you may want to turn your volume down for this!)
How Wolves Change Rivers (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
It should be noted that the offspring of the pack leader was shot and killed by a game hunter last year.
After watching the video in discussion #8 regarding China and their coal use, this is the opposite end of the spectrum:
https://www.gvi.co.uk/blog/bhutan-carbon-negative-country-world/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
It should be noted that most of the Scandinavian countries have goals to be carbon negative with in 5 years as well.
https://www.khanacademy.org/science/biology/ecology/biogeochemical-cycles/a/the-carbon-cycle (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
https://coastadapt.com.au/ocean-acidification-and-its-effects (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
1. What is a ecological cascade?
2. What does carbon negative mean? Compare Bhutan to China and the U.S. (China with regards to the video in discussion #8, topic #3) in terms of environment and quality of life (this is your personal opinion but please back it up with information presented in class).
3. How is the carbon cycle involved with environment (please fully explain your answer including photosynthesis)?
4. How is this increased carbon effecting our oceans? What are the short and long term effect for marine life and food?
Topic #3 is my face to face in class activity and is extra credit only as it will not be used on the exam. It can not be used as one of your 2 topics for the discussion, but if you choose to do it, you will get 5 extra credit points and you may respond to other’s Carbon footprints in your student responses.
You will be able to calculate your carbon footprint using the website below to find the best calculator for you
https://ecowarriorprincess.net/2018/02/different-carbon-calculators-annual-carbon-footprint/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Personally, the first one was the easiest because you do not need your PG&E bill but it is made for the UK so everything is in pound sterling vs. dollars (1 pound sterling = 1.28 dollars). The second one I was using last semester but it requires a PG&E bill.
And record your results below. Each student will take the quiz on the website and answer the questions about their individual consumption patterns.
Screen shot your carbon footprint and answer the following question:
What is your total greenhouse gas emissions?
Which categories are the highest?
How do you compare to the US and the world?
Areas of Concern:
4. How do you think you compare to the US, other industrialized countries, worldwide and the target to combat climate change. Based on the report and questions asked, what are your most significant areas of concern?
5. Include realistic changes that you could do to improve your carbon footprint (go to CO2 reduction section).
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