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Research Methods, Data Analytics and Project Planning (BUSS-B 2012)

Research Methods, Data Analytics and Project Planning (BUSS-B 2012)

Research Methods, Data Analytics and Project Planning (BUSS-B 2012)

LO Covered

1. Design a project plan for business improvement.

2. Execute reliable research on business processes and other phenomenon.

3. Distinguish the different distributions in statistics.

Instructions to Student:

? Answer all questions.

? Deadline of submission: 09/06/2020 23:59

? The marks received on the assignment will be scaled down to the actual

weightage of the assignment which is <50> marks

? Formative feedback on the complete assignment draft will be provided if the

draft is submitted at least 10 days before the final submission date.

? Feedback after final evaluation will be provided by 27/06/2020

Context of Case Study

SINDBAD Logistics is one of the reputed logistic company in Oman. When a customer submits the

order list to Order Processing Department then Order Processing Department forward the order

lists to material handling department. The material handling department checks the order list. If the

order lists specifications are correct, then order lists will be forwarded to Purchase department and

if the order lists specifications are not correct, a rejection documents will be prepared. A copy of

rejection document also will be sent to material handling department and order processing


After receiving the order list from material handling department, the purchase department checks

the availability of material for productions. If the material is available, order list will be sent to

Production department for producing the items. If the material is not available, The order list will be

sent to finance department. If the finance is approved, material will be purchased and these material

sent to production department for producing items. At the same time purchased materials bill

document will be prepared and a copy of bill will be sent to Finance department. After receiving the

order, the production department checks for the storage space availability. If the storage space is



Module Code: BUSS-B 2012 Module Name: Research Methods, data Analytics and PP

Level: 2 Max. Marks: 100

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available, then item will be produced. If the storage space is not available, then production will be

delayed and information will be sent to order processing department. After creating the additional

space, item will be produced.

After producing the item, production department checks for delivery time. If the delivery time is

short, item will be sent to warehouse department and stored in High rotation area. If the delivery time

is long, then also item will be sent to warehouse department, but stored in Low rotation area. Dispatch

list document will be prepared. At the same time, dispatch list also forwarded to Transportation

department and Order Processing Department.

On receiving the dispatch list, Transportation department checks for availability of internal transport.

If internal transport is available, item will be delivered to customer. It internal transportation is not

available, external transport will be hired and then item will be delivered to the customer. On delivery

of items to the customer, delivery note will be prepared and copy of delivery note will also be sent

to Order processing department.

With reference to above context

Q 1. Develop One process map and one Gantt chart for the entire process described

in the above mentioned case study. (30 Marks)

Use, only the following symbols in your process map.

Q 2. Imagine / Assume that you have visited and studied the market. Based on

assumption, select a company/process of your choice and perform the following task

(40 Marks)

a) Write a paragraph on description about the company /process / scenario

selected for the questionnaire.

? Alternatively you can also select one of the department and its process from

the above mentioned case study and discuss elaborately about it.

b) Develop Ten questions covering all the measuring areas for the selected

process.(Example fueling process, shopping process, queuing process in the

municipality office, ordering process in the canteen, milking cows etc.).

Start / Stop Process Decision Prepare Document



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? Alternatively you can also select departments / processes in the above

mentioned case study for designing the questionnaire.

? The question must cover minimum one each from Nominal, Ordinal, Ratio,

Interval and Dichotomous measurements.

? The questionnaire design must be logical, meaningful and must facilitate

you to do proper data analysis.

c) Identify and clearly mention, which types of measurements is applied to each


Q 3. Develop excel tables with data (based on assumptions) for each questions.

Discuss/apply/demonstrate various Statistical Tests /Reliability Tests (minimum

THREE), which can be applied to the questions designed in Q2(b). (30 Marks)

You are required to develop a report (1200-1500 words) not exceeding 1500 words, which

comprises of the answers to the above questions. The compiled report also to be included

with introduction, conclusion and references.

Documentation Requirements

? Adopt academic conventions appropriate to a higher degree

? Avoid ‘cut & paste’ model solutions

? Preferably, use free and open source software for project planning

? Follow MEC policies, sign and submit relevant documents for data/information


? Don’t breach company confidentiality

? Pay close attention to assessment weighting and allocate your effort proportionately

? Use MEC LMS Moodle materials for peer and tutor support

? Try to submit coursework as a single piece, preferably in Microsoft Word or Adobe

PDF format.

Note : ? Soft copy of the final document after plagiarism check must be uploaded through

Moodle, on or before 09th June 2020.

? Student Declaration Form Must be pasted and Uploaded along with the



The assignment will be assessed out of 100 marks using the following criteria. The

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marks awarded would be then scaled to 50.

Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations:

All resources should be cited using CU Harvard style.

? The final assignment must have a Title page, Table of Contents, References/ bibliography using

CU Harvard Style and page numbers.

? Title Page must have Assignment Name, Module name, Session, your name, ID, and the name

of the faculty.

? Softcopy in word format is to be submitted through Turnitin link on Moodle.


? Assignment must be computer typed.

? Font – Times New Roman

? Font – Style – Regular

? Font – Size – 12

? Heading should be with Font Size 14, Bold, Capital and Underline.

? Explain with suitable diagrams wherever required. Diagrams must be drawn using suitable

software or by pencil.

? Each student has to do the assignment individually / Students have to do the assignment

collaboratively and each student should write a brief reflection on their contribution and

learnings from group work.

? You can refer books in eLibrary or use internet resource. But you should not cut and paste

material from internet nor provide photocopied material from books. The assignment answers

should be in your own words after understanding the matter from the above resources.

Important Policies to be followed

1. Student Academic Integrity Policy*:

MEC upholds the spirit of academic integrity in all forms of academic work and any form of

violation of academic integrity shall invite severe penalty. Any benefit obtained by indulging in

the act of violation of academic integrity shall be cancelled.

All cases of violation of academic integrity on the part of the student shall fall under any of the

below mentioned categories:

1. Plagiarism

2. Malpractice

3. Ghost Writing

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4. Collusion

5. Other cases

If the student fails a module and has a proven case of academic integrity violation in this module,

the student is required to re-register the module. This is applicable to first and second offenders

of plagiarism.

1. Plagiarism

A. First offence of plagiarism

I. If a student is caught first time in an act of plagiarism during his/her course of study

in any assignment other than project work, the student will be allowed to re-submit

the assignment once, within a maximum period of one week. However, a penalty of

deduction of 25% of the marks obtained for the resubmitted work will be imposed.

II. Period of re-submission: The student will have to re-submit the work one week from

the date he or she is advised to re-submit.

III. If the re-submitted work is also found to be plagiarized, then that assessment will be

awarded a zero mark. Re-submission of the work beyond the maximum period of one

week will not be accepted and the assessment will be awarded a zero mark.

B. Second offence of plagiarism

If any student is caught second time in an act of plagiarism during his/her course of study (in

a subsequent semester), the student will directly be awarded zero for the work in which

plagiarism is detected. In such cases, the student will not be allowed to resubmit the work. A

warning of suspension shall be issued, and student has to sign an undertaking and undergo

counselling session in such cases.

2. Malpractice/Ghostwriting/Collusion

A. First offence of Malpractice/Ghostwriting/Collusion

If a student is caught in an act of Malpractice/Ghostwriting/Collusion for an

assessment component irrespective of coursework or end semester, the student shall

fail the module and shall be required to re-register the module

B. Second Offence of Malpractice/Ghostwriting/Collusion

If a student is caught a second time in an act of Malpractice/Ghostwriting/Collusion

for an assessment component irrespective of coursework or end semester, the

student shall fail the module. A warning of suspension shall be issued, and student

has to sign an undertaking and undergo counselling session in such cases.

3. Third Offence of Academic Integrity Violation

If a student is caught a third time in an act of Academic Integrity Violation for an assessment

component irrespective of coursework or end semester (in a subsequent semester), the student

shall fail the module and also shall be suspended for one semester from the College, as

recommended by institutional level academic committee, Chaired by the Associate Dean,

Academic Affairs.

4. Fourth Offence of Academic Integrity Violation:

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If a student is caught a fourth time in an act of Academic Integrity Violation for an assessment

component irrespective of coursework or end semester (in a subsequent semester), the student

shall fail the module and also shall be expelled from the College, as recommended by institutional

level academic committee, Chaired by the Associate Dean, Academic Affairs.

5. Other cases

If a student commits an act of academic integrity violation as per the definition of “other cases”

mentioned in the previous section or of a different nature, student’s case shall be forwarded to

an institutional level academic committee, Chaired by the Associate Dean, Academic Affairs. The

committee shall investigate the case by means of a viva and/or a disciplinary hearing and shall

take appropriate decision. The penalty that can be granted to a proven case of academic integrity

violation which falls in this category of “other cases” can be a warning/component zero/ module

fail/suspension/expulsion depending on the nature and gravity of the offence.

6. Types/Variations of Cases:

I. If plagiarism is detected in any component of one assessment, the deduction in marks will be

applicable for the whole assessment, even if only the component or part submission alone

needs to be resubmitted.

II. If plagiarism is detected in a group assessment, all students of the group will be considered as

having committed an act of plagiarism and the policy will then be applied to all students

III. If plagiarism is detected in any component of a group assessment, the deduction in marks will

be applicable for the whole assessment even if only the component or part submission alone

needs to be resubmitted.

All students of the group would be considered as having committed an act of plagiarism and

the policy will then be applied to all the students of the group.

IV. If the assessment consists of components or part submissions that could be a group

assessment component (e.g. group assignment) and an individual assessment component

(e.g. individual reflection), the following will be applicable:

a. If plagiarism is detected in the group assessment component, all students of the group

will be considered as having committed an act of plagiarism, The policy will then be

applied to all students of the group. Group assessment component will be

resubmitted as per the policy.

b. If plagiarism is detected in the individual assessment component, the individual

assessment component will be resubmitted and the policy will then be applied to that

student alone.

c. For both (a) and/or (b), the deduction in marks will be applicable for the whole


* for further details Refer to MEC Student Academic Integrity Policy in Student Handbook.

2. Late Submission Regulations:

It is the students’ responsibility to check all relevant timelines related to assessments.

As per the Assessment Policy at MEC, late submissions are allowed for one week (5 working

days) for all UG modules with a penalty. In such cases, a deduction of 5% of the marks obtained

for the submitted work shall be imposed for each working day following the last date of

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submission till the date of actual submission. Assessment documents submitted beyond a

period of one week (5 working days) after the last date of submission will not be accepted and

will be awarded a zero for that assessment. In cases where the submission has been delayed

due to extenuating circumstances, the student may be permitted to submit the work without

imposing the late submission policy stated above. The extended period of submission will be

one week from the original last date of submission. In such cases, the student is expected to

submit the supporting certificates on or before the original last date of submission of the

assessment and the decision of extension rests with faculty responsible for the assessment

.The late submission policy shall be applied if the student fails to submit the work within one

week of the original last date of submission.

Students may contact their teachers for clarification on specific details of the submission

time if required.

3. Research Ethics and Biosafety Policy

To protect and respect the rights, dignity, health, safety, and privacy of research subjects

involved including the welfare of animals and the integrity of environment, all student projects

are expected to be undertaken as per the MEC Research Ethics and Biosafety Policy.

Accordingly the following shall apply.

? Research and other enterprise activities shall be conducted by maintaining the high ethical

standards consistent with national and international standards and conventions.

? Any research at MEC that is categorized as high-risk research shall be subject to review and

approval by the Research Ethics and Biosafety Committee.

? Research activities involving collection of human or animal tissues and manipulation of

microbial, animal or plant cells shall be subject to review and approval by the Research Ethics

and Biosafety Committee.

? Participants involved in research must be informed about the purpose of research and

intended uses of research findings. Written consent must be obtained from people involved

prior to the commencement of research.

? Data obtained from participants must be treated with high confidence and should be used

only for the intended purpose of research.

Assessment Evaluation Criteria


And % Range Reflection and critical

analysis. Knowledge and


Application of Theory Evidence of Reading Referencing and

Bibliography Presentation, Grammar

and Spelling


Highly competent

analytical skills and

reflective practice,

demonstrating personal

learning and growth,

insight into required

professional values and

principles and

professional development


Extensive knowledge and

depth of understanding of

principles and concepts

and /or outstanding

application of theory in


Evidence of reading an

extensive range of


literature/research and

where applicable

workplace strategies,

policies and procedures.

Accurate referencing and

bibliography correctly

using appropriate

referencing style

Excellent presentation,

logically structured, using

correct grammar and

spelling, excellent cross-

referencing and links to

supporting evidence


Strong analytical skills and

reflective practice used,

demonstrating personal

learning and growth,

insight into required

professional values,

Excellent knowledge and

understanding of

principles and concepts

and /or excellent

knowledge and

understanding of the

Evidence of reading a wide

range of educational

literature/research and

where applicable,

workplace strategies,

policies and procedures.

Appropriate referencing

and bibliography correctly

using appropriate

referencing style

Good presentation,

competently structured,

using correct grammar

and spelling, clear and

easy to use links to

supporting evidence

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principles and

competencies and

professional development


application of theory in


Very Good Quality

Good use of analytical

skills and reflective

practice demonstrating

personal learning and

growth, insight into

required professional

values, principles and

competencies and

professional development


Good knowledge or key

principles and concepts

and/or good knowledge of

the application of theory

in practice

Evidence of reading a good

range of educational

literature/research and

where applicable

workplace strategies,

policies and procedures.

Generally well referenced

with correct use of the

appropriate referencing


Reasonable presentation,

completely structured,

acceptable grammar and

spelling, acceptable links

to supporting evidence

Good (Acceptable)

Acceptable use of

analytical skills and

reflective practice

demonstrating personal

learning and growth,

insight into required

professional values,

principles and

competencies and

professional development


Acceptable knowledge of

key principles and

concepts and/or

knowledge of the

application of theory in


Evidence of reading an

appropriate range of


literature/research and

where applicable, relevant

workplace policies and


Adequate referencing.

Generally accurate use of

appropriate referencing


Adequate presentation

and structure, acceptable

grammar and spelling,

adequate links to

supporting evidence

Adequate/ Satisfactory

Adequate use of analytical

skills and reflective

practice demonstrating

personal learning and

growth, insight into

required professional

values, principles and

competencies and

professional development


Adequate knowledge of

key principles and

concepts and/or

satisfactory evidence of

the application of theory

in practice.

Evidence of minimal

reading of educational

literature/research and

where applicable relevant

workplace policies and


Adequate referencing.

Appropriate referencing

style used but may

contain some


Weak presentation ,

satisfactory structure,

grammar and spelling,

links to supporting


Weak /Poor

(all learning outcomes not

adequately met)

Little use of analytical

skills and reflective

practice demonstrating

personal learning and

growth, insight into

required competencies

and/or professional

development planning.

Professional values and

principles not reflected in

the submission.


Insufficient/no use of

analytical skills and

reflective practice

demonstrating personal

learning and growth,

insight into required

competencies and

professional development


Little evidence of

knowledge of key

principles or concepts

and/or little evidence of

the application of theory

in practice


No evidence of knowledge

of key principles or

concepts and/or no

evidence of application of

theory in practice

Little or no evidence of

reading outside of the

course textbook and/or

reference to relevant work

place policies and



No evidence of reading

outside of the course

textbook and/or reference

to relevant workplace

policies and procedures

Little or no referencing,

incorrect style, or very

inaccurate use of

appropriate referencing


Poor presentation,

grammar and spelling,

links to supporting




presentation, grammar

and spelling, structure is

very poor, links to

supporting evidence

Assessment Grading Criteria



Focused and comprehensive engagement with the question, showing evidence of in- depthunderstanding of the issues. Extremely clearly structured and demonstrating a coherent argument throughout. Evidence of wide, independent reading.

No obvious errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate.



Detailed identification of the issues with evidence of clear understanding of the issues. Well-structured with evidence of independent reading supporting the argument. Very few errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate.

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Very good

Identification and very good understanding of issues in the assessment. Full answers to allque stions/task. Very clear argument with relevant examples used to illustrate response. Clear evidence of reading outside the module list.

Few errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate.

60-69 % Good

Good understanding of the issues. Engages directly with the question. Clear argumentwith g ood examples used to support it. All main points and important issues of the question/task covered. Some evidence ofreading o utside the module list

Some small repeated errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate



Generally sound understanding of basic theory and concepts. Content relevant to thequestion/task. Competently deals with main issues. Reading based on main texts ormaterials, but not always fully utilised in supporting argument.

Some repeated errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate.

30- 49%

Retrievable fail

Some learning outcomes and / or assessment criteria not met.

Superficial treatment of issues. Some

is relevant to topic set. Material merely repeatstaught input. Lacks understanding of basic th

eory or concepts. Possible use of extensive quoted passages.

Evidence of sufficient grasp of learning outcomes to suggest that the participant will be

able to retrieve the module on resubmission.

20-29% No learning outcomes fully met. Little evidence of attempts to engage with module materials.

10-19% Little attempt to engage with assignment brief and has not met learning outcomes.In adequate demonstration of knowledge or understanding of key concepts, theories or practice.

0-9% No real attempt to address the assignment brief or learning outcomes

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BUSS-B 2012 – Research Methods, Data Analytics and Project Planning – Case Study

ID NO. __________________ NAME : ______________________________________

Deliverables Aspects 0-4 5-20 21-30 Mark

Q. 1 Process Map and Gantt chart

Poor demonstration of Process Map /

Gantt chart

No proper sequence followed

Satisfactory / Good illustrations and demonstrations of Process Map / Gantt chart However few Key task identification and integration needs improvements. Few components of Process Map / Gantt chart can be improved.

Very Good / Excellent illustration and demonstrations of Process Map / Gantt chart Most / all key components are identified and properly integrated.

Deliverables Aspects 0-4 5-30 31-40 Mark Q. 2 Description,

Questions development

covering measurement

and Measurement


Poor Description and

Poor compilation of Questions.

Questions are not


Measurements not discussed

Satisfactory / Good compilation descriptions. Satisfactory / Good compilation of few questions. Satisfactory / Good compilation of measurements However few questions needs improvements.

Very Good / Excellent compilation of descriptions Very Good / Excellent compilation of most of the questions / all questions and questions were as per measurement rules. Questions developed are as per guidelines and questions are relevant to the measurements and measurement type mentioned.

Deliverables Aspects 0-4 5-20 21-30 Mark

Q. 3 Discussion about

Statistical Distributions/T


Poor compilation of discussion about

measurements/distr ibution / tests. Discussion not

relevant to the case study

Satisfactory / Good discussion about data types, measurements and statistical distributions/tests. Few discussions needs improvements.

Very Good / Excellent discussion about data types and measurements. Very Good / Excellent discussion about various statistical distributions/tests.

Signature of Evaluator

Total Marks


Final Marks


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