Understanding the impact of systems in order to address symptomatology in work with Children, Adolescents and Families is critical to successful interventions. The overarching goal of this assignment is to demonstrate a clear understanding of problem identification through comprehensive assessment that considers system impacts (including family dynamics as well as environmental dynamics) and includes the development of an intervention plan responding to the unique characteristics presented upon intake.
Pick a child/adolescent/transition age young adult either at your placement, from a book, movie or a play who is the main?Identified Person (I.P.)?for the family- they?are?the problem/client. Provide a profile/summary of this family; who the members are, general intake information and what the family presents as the?problem (s)?and dynamic (s) going on.?
Using the lens of a family therapist, develop the following:
· an assessment plan
· a family intervention strategy
The outcome should shift the family functioning from a deficit lens to one with a systemic understanding of the family dynamics and other interlocking systems.
This is a professional paper (6-8 pages); reference/cite at least 4 peer-reviewed sources in APA (7th ed.) style.
Components of Assignment:
Create the assessment to describe:
1. the nature of the family problem, addresses a broad range of issues (e.g. reasons for referral, the meaning of the symptoms/problem, factors involved in the development and maintenance of the problem and issues of difference and diversity). Generate an understanding of the problem(s).
2. how the family and other systems perceive the problem and the intersection of the systems and
3. the structure, functions and impact of the family dynamics.
This assessment should include the following:
1. Presenting problem?
2. Precipitating event?
3. History of the problem?
4. Family organization/structure-roles, rules, expectations, boundaries, levels of hierarchy, coalitions and alliances?
5. Family strengths and resources?
6. Family affect- how emotions are expressed and received, closeness and distance?
7. Risks factors, resistance possibilities?
8. Identify how other systems impact the child and the family system?
Intervention strategy
The strategy should describe:
1. What theoretical school of thought?are?you?using?
2. Specifics of the intervention/strategy
3. Explanation of why this intervention?(evidence-based research) was selected (rationale)??
4. Projected outcome?
5. How intervention effects the interlocking systems?
Assigned readings?discuss different theories and methods of therapy to help guide you.