Policy Brief Project
Clearly Identified the problem or need to be addressed (How is the problem or need defined? Who defined it? Who is affected? How many people are affected?) 12
Clearly Identified Desired Public Policy Goal/Outcome (what is expected by public policy approach to the program/need?) 12
Clearly Identified the Public Policy Impacting the Problem/Need (Name the policy) 6
Clearly Discussed the strengths and limitations of current policy to address the problem/need (are there current policies addressing the problem/needs? How many people are served, by whom, where, and at what cost? What is required to make current policies more effective in eliminating the problem/need?) 25
Clearly Discussed the current research about the problem and possible solution (what do research findings tell us about the problem and possible solutions? what are the limitations on this research knowledge?) 25
Clearly Discussed the recommended changes (Suggest the most desirable option and specify why this is most desirable) 25
References and APA