C++ Programming For Cellular Telephone Company Billing Calculation
Question Description
Your C++ source code file. (The file with the .CPP extension).No other files will be accepted.
A screenshot of your program running.
Program Instructions:
Writea program that calculates and prints the bill for a cellular telephonecompany. The company offers two types of service: regular and premium.Its rates vary, depending on the type of service. The rates are computedas follows:
Regular service: $10.00 plus first 50 minutes are free. Charges for over 50 minutes are $0.20 per minute.
Premium service: $25.00 plus:
a.For calls made from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., the first 75 minutes arefree; charges for more than 75 minutes are $0.10 per minute.
b.For calls made from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., the first 100 minutes arefree; charges for more than 100 minutes are $0.05 per minute.
Yourprogram should prompt the user to enter an account number, a servicecode (type char), and the number of minutes the service was used. Aservice code of r or R means regular service; a service code of p or Pmeans premium service. Treat any other character as an error. Yourprogram should output the account number, type of service, number ofminutes the telephone service was used, and the amount due from theuser.
Forthe premium service, the customer may be using the service during theday and the night. Therefore, to calculate the bill, you must ask theuser to input the number of minutes the service was used during the dayand the number of minutes the service was used during the night.
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