CRJ550 SLU Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Railway vs White Case Study Paper
Question Description
Please do a case brief on this case BurlingtonNorthern & Santa Fe Railway Co. v. White, 548 U.S. 53 (2003). I have attached a case brief example. Please follow those instruction. Thanks you!
Case briefs will follow the following format (mandatory subheadings)
a. Title and Citation (e.g. Jones v. Smith, 123 F.3d 456(11th Cir. 2004)
b. Type of Action (e.g. civil suit for money damages forviolation of free speech rights)
c. Facts of the case (Discuss relevant facts: What happened?Why is this in court?)
d. Issue(s) (Focus on the issue relevant to this course;refer to the Syllabus as needed)
e. Decision (What is the court’s holding? I.e. how did thecourt rule?)
f. Reasoning (Why did the court rule the way it did?)
g. Rule of Law (in one sentence, what legal point orprinciple do we take from this case?)
Length: Not to exceed 1 page
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