CSEC 4202
Due: Tuesday Nov. 10, 2020
1. What is cryptography?
2. What exactly are encryption and decryption?
3. What is plaintext or cleartext?
4. What is ciphertext?
5. How does the encryption process actually take place?
6. What are the origins of cryptography?
7. What is the Caesar cipher?
8. What is the goal of cryptography?
9. What is the difference between a private key and a public key?
10. What are symmetric and asymmetric key systems?
11. What kinds of threats exist for a cryptographic system?
12. What is polyalphabetic encryption?
13. What is a block cipher?
14. What is cipher block chaining?
15. What are the disadvantages of symmetric key cryptography?
16. How is a Key Distribution Center (KDC) used?
17. What are the mathematical algorithms used in symmetric cryptography?
18. What is asymmetric key cryptography?
19. What are the key differences between asymmetric and symmetric cryptography?
20. What are the disadvantages of asymmetric cryptography?
21. What is the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)?
22. What are the specific components of the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)?
23. How does the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) work?