Topic and Introduction
The thesis is original and significant in its potential to address critical issues within the respective field. The thesis is original and clear in its
potential contribution.
The thesis may be original but its significance to the field is not well supported.
The thesis needs more development to make the case that it will make any impact.
Defines and elucidates the issue/topic as it relates to education in general and, more specifically, special education leadership.
Defines the issue/topic with some depth as it relates to education in general and, more specifically, special education leadership.
Defines the issue/topic with basic information as it relates to education in general but may not relate it specifically to special education leadership.
Shows a fundamental lack of understanding of the issue/topic as it relates to education in general or more specifically, special education leadership.
Develops compelling rationale statement for the plan and relates it to special education leadership.
States a supported rationale for the plan and relates it to special education leadership.
States a rationale for the plan but does not relate it to special education leadership. Does not state the rationale for the plan.
Persuasively explains the plan’s potential multifactorial contribution to the field of special education leadership.
Explains the need for a plan beyond the basic contribution to the field of special education leadership.
Explains the need for a plan based on the basic contribution to the field of special education leadership.
Lacks an explanation to justify the need of a plan.
4 3 2 1
Literature Review
Comprehensive use of most recent and seminal sources.
Thorough selection of sources pertinent to project. Selected sources relevant to project. Selected sources irrelevant to project.
Clearly discriminates among seminal sources.
Shows some discrimination among seminal sources.
Limited discrimination among seminal sources.
Does not discriminate among seminal sources and/or misinterprets sources.
Sets the in-depth context for issue/topic as it relates to special education leadership and skillfully aligns the literature with the context of the plan.
Places the issue/topic as it relates to special education leadership in context beyond the basic level and associates the literature with the context of the plan.
Sets a basic context for the issue/topic as it relates to special education leadership and associates some of the literature context of the plan..
Does not set the context for the issue/topic as it relates to special education leadership or does not place the plan into context of the literature.
Analysis and synthesis are rigorous, nuanced, transparent. and connected to the issue/topic and identified thesis statement. Ensures the focus relates to special education leadership.
Analysis and synthesis are complete and connected to the issue/topic and thesis statement. Generally focuses on the relation to special education leadership.
The analysis has a weak connection to the issue/topic or thesis statement and rarely relates it to to special education leadership.
The analysis is incomplete or poorly implemented or does not connect to the issue/topic or thesis statement or does not relates to special education leadership.
Demonstrates exceptional depth of knowledge and understanding of the issue/topic and the projects’s relevance to special education leadership
Demonstrates proficient knowledge and understanding of the topic/issue and the projects relevance to special education leadership.
Demonstrates a basic knowledge and understanding of the topic/issue or the projects’ relevance to special education leadership.
Lacks a basic knowledge and understanding of the topic/issue or does not explain the project’s relevance to special education leadership.
4 3 2 1
Makes a compelling and interesting argument as to the impact the findings or work will have on existing practices in the field of special education leadership
Discusses the impact the findings or work may have on existing practices in the field of special education leadership
Little discussion of the impact the findings or work may have on existing practices in the field of special education leadership
No discussion of the impact the findings or work will have on existing practices in the field of special education leadership.
Clearly and thoroughly establishes related outcomes (consequences and implications) on special education leadership.
Establishes related outcomes (consequences and implications) on special education leadership.
Establishes some related outcomes (consequences and implications) on special education leadership
No related outcomes (consequences and implications) are not included. oversimplified, or do not address special education leadership.
Conclusion Comprehensively addresses how the plan will contribute to, support, change, and/or advance the field of special education leadership
Addresses, with more than basic detail, how the plan will contribute to, support, change, and/or advance the field of special education leadership
Summarizes the plan and provides a general discussion in reference to how the plan will impact special education leadership Summary of results is unclear or absent.
Conclusion is comprehensive, logical, and reflects the students informed evaluation focused on the issue/topic as it relates to special education leadership
Conclusion is logically tied to a range of information on the issue/topic as it relates to special education leadership
Conclusion is inconsistently tied to information on the issue/topic as it relates to special education leadership. Information may have been selected to fit the desired conclusion.
Conclusion is not tied to the issue/topic or may not relate to special education leadership.
4 3 2 1
Professional Writing
Exemplary writing quality. Person- first, grammatical, mechanical, and/or spelling errors are rare (no more than two) and do not detract from the paper.
Proficient writing. Person-first, grammatical, mechanical, and/or spelling errors are few (no more than five) and do not detract from the paper.
Basic writing quality. Some (no more than eight) person-first, grammatical, mechanical, and/or spelling errors interfere with reading the paper.
Unacceptable writing. Many (more than eight) person-first, grammatical, mechanical, and/or spelling errors exist or errors substantially detract from the paper.
Scholarly style. Uses graceful language that skillfully communicates meaning to readers with clarity and fluency
Scholarly style. Uses language that conveys meaning to readers with clarity with minimal awkward or unclear passages.
Uses language that generally conveys meaning to readers. Word choice is occasionally informal in tone. Writing has a some awkward or unclear passages.
Uses language that sometimes impedes meaning because of errors in usage. Word choice is informal in tone. Writing is choppy, with many awkward or unclear passages
Strong organization and integration of material within subtopics. Strong transitions linking subtopics, and main topic. All material clearly related to subtopic, main topic.
Logical organization of material within subtopics. Clear, varied transitions linking subtopics, and main topic. All material clearly related to subtopic, main topic
Material may not be organized within subtopics. Attempts to provide variety of transitions. Most material clearly related to subtopic, main topic.
Little evidence material is logically organized into topic, subtopics or related to topic. Transitions are unclear or nonexistent.
Demonstrates a thorough understanding of context, audience, and purpose that is responsive to the assigned task(s). Consistently uses appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to explore ideas within the context of the plan. Clearly and consistently focuses on the relationship of the topic to special education leadership to shape the entire project.
Demonstrates adequate consideration of context, audience, and purpose and a clear focus on the assigned task(s). Consistently uses appropriate, and relevant content to explore ideas within the context of the plan. Focuses on the relationship of the topic to special education leadership to shape the majority of the project.
Demonstrates some awareness of context, audience, purpose, and to the assigned tasks(s). Uses appropriate and relevant content to develop ideas within the context of the plan. Focuses some on the relationship of the topic to special education leadership to shape the majority of the project.
Demonstrates minimal attention to context, audience, purpose, and to the assigned tasks(s). Uses some appropriate and relevant content to develop simple ideas in some parts of the plan. Focuses very little on the relationship of the topic to special education leadership.
4 3 2 1
APA Style, Scholarly Resources, Length of
Rare (no more than two) errors in APA style. All references and citations are correctly written and present.
Few (no more than five) errors in APA style that do not detract from the paper.
Errors (no more than eight) in APA style are noticeable and detract from paper.
Reference and citation errors detract (more than 8)significantly from paper.
APA Style, Scholarly Resources, Length of
Demonstrates skillful use of more than five (5) high quality, credible, relevant sources to develop ideas that are appropriate for the discipline and genre of the writing
Demonstrates consistent use of at least five (5) credible, relevant sources to support ideas that are situated within the discipline and genre of the writing.
Demonstrates use of at least four (4) but less than five (5) credible and/or relevant sources to support ideas that are appropriate for the discipline and genre of the writing.
Demonstrates an attempt to use at least three (3 ) but less than four (4) sources to support ideas in the writing.
Length of SELD-P is 10-12 pages excluding reference page(s) and charts/graphs.
Length of SELD-P is 10-12 pages including reference page(s) but excluding charts/graphs.
Length of SELD-P is 10-12 pages including reference page(s) and minimum (1-2) use of small charts/graphs
Length of SELD-P is less than 10 pages including reference page(s) and minimum (1-2) use of charts/graphs.