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Value Claim essay….. instructions are at the bottom after the outline…..
Use the following outline to write the value claim essay
Claim: The Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is essential because it provides nutrition benefits to supplement the food budget of needy families, enabling them to buy healthy food hence able to move towards self-sufficiency. It is considered one of the most extensive federal nutrition assistance programs. The benefits provided by the program to the eligible low-income people and families are done through the Electronic Benefits Transfer card. The card may be utilized like a debit card to purchase suitable food in authorized retail food stores. Moreover, SNAP is also essential because it helps to ensure that children can receive a fair chance at healthy adulthood, which the seniors age with dignity while at the same time providing that families can care for themselves.
Support 1: The importance and impact of the Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) can be seen; the program is quite crucial because of how it benefits low-income families. By providing the monthly benefits to these eligible as well as low-income individuals as well as families to purchase food, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) plays a critical as well as a significant role in reducing hunger, malnutrition, as well as poverty, while at the same time improving the family security, child as well as adult health and employment.
Support 2: Provision of monthly benefits to eligible low-income people is significant catalysis that would enable low-income individuals to save, invest as well able to meet particular financial obligations, and their objectives in life. In general terms, this program is an essential catalyst for the improvement of lives and development. It helps people get back on their feet and the road to a better experience. For instance, in 2015, SNAP lifted about 4.6 million Americans above the poverty line, including 2 million children and 366,000 seniors. The SNAP also provides support to Americas economy while at the same time creating jobs.
Opposing View: Some people have opposing views about the Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). The main reasons for these opposing views are that the program has a limitation regarding what an individual can purchase and where a person can shop. Moreover, other claims that the program creates room for privacy invasion, particularly during the eligibility screening, the disincentive to work as a result of the income limits, and the social stigma attached to the benefit. However, the majority of the views believe that the program is essential because it helps to meet the needs of individuals who face food insecurity, among other challenges.
Source 1: Supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP). (2020, September 24). USDA ERS.
This source is reliable because it provides an overview, background, economic linkages, and charts about the entire Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
Source 2: What is SNAP? (n.d.). U.S. Hunger Relief Organization | Feeding America.
This source is also relevant because it provides information about the whole program, including its definition, its importance, how it works, eligibility, outlines the benefits under consideration, the application process, and other essential information about the program.
The Value Claim Essay states whether something is morally right or morally wrong, fair or unfair, humane or inhumane, just or unjust, and so on.
Be sure to include reasons that support your position, and evidence that backs up your reasons.
Alsoand this is very importantdo not support your position with facts! The Value Claim takes a value position. Support your position with stories.
Remember to cite your sources in MLA format: both in-text citations and a Works Cited section.
Follow the Value Claim Essay Outline. Use topic sentences, transition words, and supporting details.
Remember it’s a college-level essay. Make sure your writing is free of most grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
Finally, check your word count. You must reach the minimum required number of words.
Your job is to persuade people to agree with you. That’s what an argument essay does. Go for it!
Required Word Count 1500 words or more references do not count toward word count
1st paragraph Introduction
The first sentence in your first paragraph will state your topic and position. In English class, that’s called the thesis. It’s the overall point you’re trying to make.
In this class you write argument essays, so we give the thesis another name. We call it the claim.
The remainder of the first paragraph will summarize the reasons why your readers should agree with you. Start with your strongest, best reason. We call those points. Your points support your claim.
The list of reasons in the first paragraph is called a roadmap or blueprint. Your reader can follow that guide through the rest of your essay.
If you want to put something else in your first paragraph, you can answer the question, “Why is this important?” It’s optional, but you can include one or two sentences that explain why the topic matters.
2nd paragraph Reason 1
The first sentence in each paragraph says what the paragraph is about. That’s called a topic sentence or key sentence.
Begin each topic sentence with a word or phrase that tells the reader you’re starting a new point. For example, first, second, furthermore, in addition to, etc. Those are called transition words.
The rest of the paragraph contains evidence that backs up your point. That’s called supporting detail. Depending on what you’re writing, supporting detail can include facts, statistics, quotes from experts, or even stories.
3rd paragraph Reason 2
The first sentence is the topic sentence. It states the reason. Start the topic sentence with a transition word or phrase, then follow with your evidence.
4th paragraph Reason 3
The first sentence is the topic sentence. It states the reason. Start the topic sentence with a transition word or phrase, then follow with your evidence.
And so on¦
? Refute the Opposing View
After the body paragraphs explaining why your reader should agree with you, include one or two paragraphs describing the reasons they do not agree with you, and explain why they’re wrong. That’s called overcoming objections or refuting the opposing view.
? Conclusion
End your essay with a quick summary of the reasons why you’re right.
Works Cited
The Works Cited section comes after the last paragraph of your essay. In this section, list all the sources you included in your essay in correct MLA format. List the sources in alphabetical order based on the first word (or words) in the line.
Make sure each in-text citation matches an entry in Works Cited.