200 Points
Minimum of 2 full pages with Sources Surveyed for This Report section
Research required!
A report is like a memo in that it conveys information from one department to another in an organization. It might provide statistical information, or make a recommendation, or suggest how to solve a problem, etc. The provided example details how your report should look, the types of sections it should have, the approximate length, and how to incorporate research.
So….your assignment. Go to this Saints website (http://www.neworleanssaints.com/community), which details the type of community-based relations and publicity the Saints are up to. Then, make some Google searches (or, if you’re inclined, use our school databases such as EbscoHost) to see what else the Saints are up to (or what a pro football team SHOULD be up to). Perhaps, in this crisis, you’d like to make an assessment of what the Saints are doing in the time of Coronoa virus. (Make sure you keep track of the websites/articles you read to include in the Sources Surveyed for This Report section.)
Once you have a sense of what The Saints have been doing, write a report to the head of The Saints publicity department (the Director of Publicity) and recommend how the publicity department might make use of the Saints charitable/community activities. Include WHAT The Saints have been up to, and how publicizing these activities might overall benefit the organization. Include your recommendations of where the publicity should be placed, and/or other activities The Saints might engage in to continue to have positive publicity.
Can one use research that comes from outside the Saints website provided in the Assignment: (http://www.neworleanssaints.com/community)? Yes, of course. You can (and should) use other sources. I would argue that outside sources would be even more credible than the ones provided by the Saints on their own website. So please do use other additional sources; just make sure you both cite them within the writing of your Report (if it’s not your words, put it in quotes), and list the source in the Sources Surveyed for This Report section.
In addition, consider the current climate. Perhaps you want to address (or direct) how The Saints are behaving/could behave during the current pandemic/social distancing crisis.
Remember: This is an internal memo, from one department to another. You’re not writing to the public; you’re writing specifically to the publicity department, whose task it is to capitalize on Saints activities to both benefit the public, as well as benefit The Saints’ brand.
Also remember: This requires (some) research. That research should be reflected in your report.
Report should be a minimum of two complete pages, and should include a Sources Surveyed for This Report research section. As this is the final assignment, I expect it to represent your best work.