Claudia Rankine Writes Ctizen as a Chronicle of Micro-Aggressio Chronicle of Micro-Aggressions According to Wikipedia: A micro aggres environment sion is a term used for brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioural, or al indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative prejudicial slights and insults toward any group ose personal context and outside research to explore three micro-aggression scenarios described In your exploration I want you to examine (1) The reason behind the micro-aggression. (2) Your I would like you support the analysis in your exploration with contextual examples from the by Rankine in her lyrical book reaction to this micro-aggression. (3) Rankine’s choice to include this example in her book. world around you. Use passages from Rankine’s text to exemplify the micro-aggression that you plan to discuss. For example, Claudia Rankine writes, “When the waitress hands your friend the card she took from you, you laugh and ask her what else her privilege gets her? Oh, my perfect life, she answers. Then you both are laughing so hard, everyone in the restaurant smiles” (148) would work as one of the three examples of micro-aggression you need to write this This quote essay. As for related context you can use personal experience and outside research 2 outside sources minimum MLA Formatted