Read Common Logical Fallacies (Links to an external site.).
After reading Common Logical Fallacies, choose three of the common fallacies described in the reading, and write one short essay defining and explaining each of these three fallacies. You must include a specific example of each fallacy. Include an introduction and a conclusion. Do not use 1st person “I” or 2nd person “you/your.” Stick to 3rd person.
*Please review the Argumentative Research Essay in Unit 7*
Required Length
2 full pages not including your title and references pages (if a references page is needed). “1 full page” refers to a full page of 12-point Times New Roman double-spaced font that runs to the bottom of the page. 1-inch margins. No excessive spaces to pad length.
Required Format
APA format is required, including a title page and page numbers formatted correctly in APA style. An abstract page is not required. See the following resources on APA:
A sample student essay in APA style (see the “APA 7 Student Paper) example): (Links to an external site.)
Purdue Online Writing Lab’s comprehensive guide to APA style: (Links to an external site.)
Type, save, and upload your essay as a Microsoft word document. Save in a file format that can easily be opened in Word such as DOC, PDF, or RTF. Additional requirements:
12-point Times New Roman font
1-inch margins
Late Work Policy
No late work is accepted in our course.
“Late” is defined as 1 second past the posted due date and time.
If your assignment cannot be easily opened in Microsoft Word, it is considered late. DOC, PDF, and RTF file formats are accepted. Don’t submit assignments in Pages or links to Google Docs.
Insufficient Work Policy
A minimum penalty of 10% will be applied for every page under the required page length. A minimum penalty of 10% will be applied in cases where text does not run to the bottom of the page.
Excused Absence Policy
Extensions on late assignments can only be provided in the following specific cases:
United States Military assignments
Death of an immediate family member
Documented personal illness
To request an extensions, email your instructor or send your instructor a message in Canvas as soon as possible before your absence or as soon as possible after your absence with formal verification such as a note from a health center or medical professional. An extension will not be provided without formal verification.
Vacations and power outages are not circumstances that qualify for extensions on assignments. You are responsible for having access to a computer and an internet connection to complete work in our clas