Florida National University Ethical Issues in Long Term Care Paper
Question Description
For this week your assignment is:
The students will complete a Case study tasks that contribute the opportunity to produce and apply the thoughts learned in this and previous coursework to examine a real-world scenario. This scenario will illustrate through example the practical importance and implications of various roles.
Objective: The students will complete a Case study tasks that contribute the opportunity to produce and apply the thoughts learned in this and previous coursework to examine a real-world scenario. This scenario will illustrate through example the practical importance and implications of various roles and functions of a long-term care settings. As a result of this assignment, students will be better able to comprehend, scrutinize and assess respectable superiority and performance by all institutional employees.
Students will critically measure the readings from Chapters 7 to 12 in your textbook. This assignment is planned to help you examination, evaluation, and apply the readings and strategies to your of a long-term care settings
You need to read the PowerPoint Presentation assigned for week 3 and develop a 3-4 page paper reproducing your understanding and capability to apply the readings to your long-term care settings. Each paper must be typewritten with 12-point font and double-spaced with standard margins. Follow APA format when referring to the selected articles and include a reference page.
1. Introduction (25%) Provide a brief synopsis of the meaning (not a description) of each Chapter and articles you read, in your own words that will apply to the case study presented.
2. Your Critique (50%)
In December 2017 a Royal Commission was appointed by the present Labor government to exam the options for a supportable system of financing the long-term care of older people. The forms of care considered included care in the community, in a person’s own home, and care in residential or nursing homes. Older people receiving long-term care in these settings may also require acute medical care so it was relevant to also look briefly at the general health provision for older people. Since the creation of the NHS older patients have been seen as a drain on resources diverting services away from other patient groups (Wilkinson and Hughes, 2006). Elderly care has always been one of the Cinderella services within the NHS, receiving less than adequate resources despite repeated attempts to ensure it was given priority in resource allocation (Ibid.). Numerous studies have focused on the social deprivation and abuse suffered by people in elderly care homes (Barton, 2009; Biggs et al., 2005; Robb, 2007; Townsend, 2002). The current debates about health care and older people focus on rationing, and on standards of care for the old both in hospitals and in residential and nursing homes. Evidence exists that older people are denied access to treatments provided for younger patient. (Aaron and Schwartz, 2004; Age Concern, 2007). The continuing poor quality of care for older people within the NHS has been the focus of considerable media attention (Abrams, 2008; Brindle, 2007; Evans 2007). In October 2007 The Observer newspaper launched a campaign to ensure that older people in hospital are treated with dignity, following reports of neglect. In the same month The Sunday Times launched a campaign for better care for the elderly in long-term care and highlighted abuse and indignity routinely suffered by people in residential and nursing homes. Both campaigns generated a large public response. It is important to note that long-term care is not free, but is means tested, the state paying only for those who cannot pay for themselves.
1.1 The Findings of the Royal Commission
According to the Royal Commission Report, With Respect to Old Age: A Report by the Royal Commission on Long Term Care (2009), the present system of long term care is characterized by complexity and unfairness. The diversity of providers and funders may operate against the interests of R. ter Meulen, W. Arts, and R. Muffels (eds.), Solidarity in Health and Social Care in Europe, 417-422. Âİ 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers. 418 A. CAMPBELL AND S. JONES individual clients. More importantly the Commission found evidence of bewilderment, “Âa strong sense of loss of control, a sense of actually losing a loved individual to a system that is beyond understanding and which makes individuals feel beyond help. No amount of statistics or cool analysis can take away the human despair which individuals feel when confronted with the system as it is’ (PA2). Although the Commissioners recognize that the Welfare State has considerably improved the lot of older people, they claim that as a society we have ceased to value old age. Many o