The report :
The report will take the form of a well-researched academic report of approximately 3000words. Diagrams or tables are encouraged to be used to support your statements. Thereport should be well supported with appropriate references from reliable sources. Youshould include academic journals, books, theses, trade magazines and well-respectedsources of related Internet materials that you find relevant. Please note Wikipedia is NOTconsidered a reliable source to quote in an academic document of this type, withoutbackup from other well reputed sources.Your report should present as a collective effort, not a series of submissions by variousteam members. It is expected to FLOW as one document. Each team member’scontribution should be clearly identified in the report, with a notation about which sectionhe/she wrote about. Table of contents, reference list and contribution statements do notcount towards the final words count. All reports must use the APA referencing style
The PresentationDuration: 20 minutes for each teamFor the presentation component of this assessment, your team will focus on the following:1. Business analytics and Data Mining techniques specific to the chosen domains2. Illustration of applications of the above business analytics and Data Miningtechniques within the chosen domains3. Explanation on how these specific business analytics and Data Mining techniquesadded business value and generated new business opportunities within the chosendomains4. Any Challenges that associated with the application of the above business analyticsand Data Mining techniques for the chosen domains