Laetoli Assignment: Bipedalism/Foot Analysis
Steps to Complete this Lab:
1) See imagery needed in Module: Laetoli Imagery
2) Look at the footprints of Laetoli: Using the scale visible in the bottom corner:
-estimate: how far apart are the footprints?
-what does this tell you about the size of Australopithecus?
-analyze: the pressure points in the footprints: were they running or walking?
-how can you tell?
-experiment: with your foot wet, make a print on a piece of paper or the concrete.
-compare your footprint with the Laetoli prints. How is your similar, and how is it different?
-compare: Laetoli footprints with Pan paniscus
-is the hallux in a position more like your foot, or that of a chimpanzee?
3) Based on this labwork, what can you say about the locomotion of Australopithecines?