2020/11/20 Paper III: Hospitality Management Careers
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Paper III: Hospitality Management Careers
Due Friday by 11:59pm Points 10 Submitting an external tool
See the syllabus rubric (Syllabus and Schedule HOSP 001.pdf) before you construct this paper.
Here is a great medium to access resources for your paper: Gale OneFile: Hospitality and Tourism (https://login.ezp.pasadena.edu/login?url=https://go.gale.com/ps/i.do? p=PPTH&sw=w&u=pasa19871&v=2.1&pg=BasicSearch&it=static&sid=PPTH) .
Our Writing Support Center (https://pasadena.edu/academics/support/success-centers/writing-center/) offers one- on-one tutoring, workshops, and assistance with cover letters, resumes, class assignments, and essays. It is strongly suggested that this resource is used prior to submitting this paper.
Paper III: Hospitality Management Careers (select three careers).
There are limitless careers in the hospitality management industry; however, gather information online for three careers. Explain each career and discuss it in detail building upon online resources, our in-class and online discussions, and content from the text.
Purpose. A written paper is an important opportunity for students to demonstrate an understanding of theory, concepts, and practices. More importantly, it allows students to further develop written communication skills. Therefore, success in this course depends on the preparedness and active engagement of every student.
Task. Write a two-page paper on the selected topic.
Criteria. Each paper must be an original work that integrates analytical and critical thinking skills using content from the course, industry, and other sources (see Table 6). Constructing the paper involves techniques such as gathering information, typing, analyzing, critically-thinking, citing resources using APA style, and formatting. Each paper should adhere to the following requirements:
Development of the paper: 1. Analyze a topic; 2. Develop a systematic inventory of resources that explain the topic to explore (analyze); 3. Formulate problem solutions, using resources, to support the analysis; 4. Gather additional information and conduct further analyses surrounding the problem; 5. Design the final solution; 6. Synthesize, discuss, and evaluate the solution; then 7. Write the paper.
Implement 10 point, Times New Roman font, 1.25 inches borders, 1.5 spacing, and no added space both before and after each paragraph; Cite [in-text and at the end of the document] at least three sources following APA format (properly cite (https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/general_format.html)
2020/11/20 Paper III: Hospitality Management Careers
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to create the end-of-paper references cited / bibliography / works cited section; Written elements, such as selection of descriptives/visual, choice of data tables, and figures shall not influence the total number of pages (fluency with excel to compliment other descriptive visuals in the project begins with Microsoft Excel training (https://support.office.com/en-us/article/excel-for-windows-training- 9bc05390-e94c-46af-a5b3-d7c22f6990bb?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US) and Excel Basics (https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/excel2016/) ); Aim the content at an industry executive; for instance, the regional general manager of a national luxury lodging corporation, the food and beverage director for a global restaurant chain, the director of human resources for a cruise line brand, or the chief financial officer of regional event planning company; and Each student shall check for flow, grammar, and goal achievement.