Theexecutive leadership team (ELT) is pleased with the overall idea ofimplementing your version of the IT governance program design. Their next areaof concern is related to cybersecurity. Many of the ELT members have seen newsclips and read articles about the risks that organizations face in the realm ofcybersecurity, and they are interested in learning how your IT governanceprogram will address cybersecurity risks to the organization.
Designa 1015-slide PowerPoint presentation that will outline your recommendationsfor the design and implementation of a security strategy within your overall ITgovernance program. In your presentation, you should include the following:
Slide 1: Title Slide
Slide 2: An overview ofthe concept of security within the overall IT governance framework
Slide 3: The currentdesign of security within your organization
Slide 4: Anoverview of risk management processes within your organization
Slide 5: The gapanalysis showing unmitigated risk
Slide 6: Attributesof good security strategy
Slide 7: Pros andcons of implementing the COBIT model
Slide 8: Pros andcons of implementing the capability maturity model
Slide 9: Pros andcons of implementing the ISO/IEC 27001/27002 model
Slide 10: Informationsecurity management metrics
Slide 11: Summary of nextsteps with your list of recommended actions to be taken within the next 6months
Slide 12: References
Within your presentation, please include a cover page with your names, courseinformation, unit number, and date. All references should be listed and inproper APA format.