Research Essay Proposal: A proposal is a thoughtful plan of your research paper, a road map that you anticipate following. Of course, you can not know exactly where the process of your research will take you and the proposal does not bind you to avenues of inquiry that you discover to be fruitless (i.e., dead ends). However, a successful proposal does convey the impression to the readers that you have seriously considered the scope of the topic and that you are eager to find answers to key questions. DIRECTIONS: Type directly into this template, and then upload it into Canvas as a completed assignment. Dont worry if the margins/format changes. 1) THE TOPIC (1 point): I am interested in _____________ because_______________________________.
2) PRELIMINARY RESEARCH: Find three articles from newspapers and/or magazines that relate to your chosen topic (see next page for list of popular magazines and their general political bias. Organize your preliminary evidence in the chart below, and explain its importance. Make sure to keep track of page numbers and any instances where you are quoting directly from the text. (14 points)