Optional Bonus Activity
(Worth up to 15 points [not percentage] added to the overall number of points accrued in this class. Number of extra credit points earned depend upon quality of submission.)
View a film and analyze abnormal behaviors of the characters through the lens of psychological science. Write at minimum four (4) pages that addresses each bullet point in the following prompt. Use class resources and concepts you learned from the course to support your explanations and arguments. Please be sure to address each of the prompts below (using headings for the separate prompts):
Write a brief introductory section that identifies the film title, genre, and overall theme of the film.
Describe accurate examples of the psychopathology of one of the main characters.
Describe inaccurate examples of the psychopathology of that the main character. Describe how these examples might influence counselors’, clients’, and the
general publics’ beliefs about psychopathology. Summarize how screenwriters and filmmakers could exercise sociopolitical
responsibility in addressing misconceptions and false beliefs.
Your paper must be in APA (7th edition) format (student version). Your sources must be properly cited both within text and in the reference list.