Theories That Best Accounts for The IRs Trend
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International relations can be described as the study of how states relate to one another and with international organizations or other subnational entities such as political parties. It can be said that having a better understanding of international relations helps people to gain more insights and in-depth knowledge about global issues (Hay, 2016). The study of international relations also helps people understand essential subjects whose emphasis is placed on various aspects of human life such as cultural elements, education, economic elements, political science, and the significant influences such aspects have on society.
Based on the questions and the readings provided, the key features of international relations need to be considered before selecting one of the theories that best accounts for its trends is the origin of wars and attempts to restore peace, the nature of power, and how nations exercise their people in relation to promoting peace as well as changing charter of states and non-state actors who take part in making decisions within the international arena (Erskine, 2020). With respect to the question, I think all the three theories highlighted in the questions can be applied to account for constant trends in the international systems.
Realism theory assumes that states are the primary actors of the international relation systems, and there is nothing like supernational international authority. As per realism theory, many nations may be in constant conflict because they are acting in response to protect their own interest and secure power for self-preservation. Such capabilities will be used to defend the state’s interest in politics, economic and social life (Erskine, 202). Realism theory as an approach attempting to explain the international relations system, its fundamental tenets value the role of nation-states with the assumptions that nation-states are only motivated to react in accordance to their national interest, which is disguised as their moral concerns.
Neoliberalism theory holds that international relation systems and institutions must be perceived as agreements between or among actors that could be deployed to reduce uncertainty. Many nations have adopted the concepts of neoliberalism theory to try and bring to an end existing diplomatic conflict among various countries of the world for the wellbeing of respective citizens. Other than that, neoliberalism principles assume that international cooperation is sustainable. The contracts between actors may be employed to reduce conflict and competition, reduce transaction costs, and facilitate collaborative problem solving (Barder, 2019).