Acause and effect diagram, often called a “fishbone”diagram, can help in brainstorming to identify possiblecausesof a problem and in sorting ideas into useful categories. Afishbone diagramis a visual way to look atcause and effect. The problem oreffectis displayed at the head or mouth of the fish.
After watching the video – “How to Create a Cause and Effect Diagram”, use the method shown in the video to create a diagram to brainstorm the causesof the followingproblem:
You placed an orderwith UberEats and the the food delivery was 30 minutes late.
Assignment is due: 10/2 by 11 pm
Format of your submission: you can use a template on line and save to PDF, create a chart in MicrosoftExcel or Word and uploadto BB or hand draw and take a photo to upload a JPG file. Make sure submissionsare readable!