West Los Angeles Social Media Is Dysfunctional to In Person Communication Essay
3 short essay 2 pages for each
Check the Rubric before you give to me
For essay, you will have the freedom to expand on one of the short writings you have done from America Now or choose from one of the America Now topics below. Your job is to expand your research and elaborate fully on your argument for the topic you choose. The first draft is due next class meeting, and must be two complete pages long and typed. You are required to incorporate three quotations throughout your composition, including one from America Now. Include a works cited page to your essay. The quotations should not be longer than two sentences.
This essay must follow MLA conventions and be 12′ font, singles spaced, Times Roman. For MLA formatting, please visit the class website and review the MLA PowerPoint http://cordovla.weebly.com/handouts-and-more.html (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.) or the “MLA” link.
Finally, incorporate a strong thesis and make sure to develop your paragraphs fully and to include effective transitions. Points are automatically deducted if you do not include an argumentative thesis. When revising your essay, focus on counter argumentations, evidence, clarifications to your points, clarity, unity, precision, conciseness, organization, and grammar as discussed in class.
Essay 1
Write an essay responding to Kutcher’s argument. Do you agree that text messages are, for the most part, unromantic? Why or why not? Do you disagree that we are neglecting romance in the digital age? Explain your opinion.
Essay 2
Aside from romance, what are some other aspects of communication that have changed through digitalization? Using Kutcher’s essay as a model, write your own argument either defending or decrying an aspect of technology that has changed the way we communicate with each other.
Essay 3
Write a response to Ghuman’s essay in which you either defend social media as a useful tool or further support the idea that it is dysfunctional to in-person communication. Cite examples from your personal experience to support this claim.
P.S: visit and read this website completely:
http://people.oregonstate.edu/~petersp/ORST/WR121_files/argument.htm (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
For research options:
http://search.proquest.com.library.wlac.edu/index?accountid=38212 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
http://www.ted.com/playlists/15/the_pursuit_of_justice.html (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
MLA Format
Source information correctly cited as in-text citations in your essay
Sources properly formatted in a Works Cited page that is not counted as part of the minimum page count.
100-point Essay Rubric (1)
100-point Essay Rubric (1)
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeA: Thesis statementThesis statement is strong, clear, specific, and provides focus for the essay. Thesis statement is not a list. Thesis statement is not an announcement. Thesis statement is indicated by red font or underline.
20.0 to >1.0 pts 1.0 to >0 pts
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeB: ResearchSources are recent within the past 6 months, college-level, appropriate and relevant. Information included from sources features events or situations that occurred within the previous 6 months. Source information is smoothly integrated into the essay with proper MLA in-text citation format including correct parenthetical citation information.
20.0 to >1.0 pts 1.0 to >0 pts
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeC: FormatFont is Arial size 12. Correct identifying information is included on the first page of the essay. Title is properly formatted in plain text: Not bold. Not underlined. Not a different sized font. Not italicized. Page numbers have been inserted correctly. Proper header is present on each page. Paper is evenly Singles-spaced throughout. First line of each paragraph is indented. Margins are 1″³ all around. Works Cited is cross-referenced with in-text citations so that every citation in the essay begins with a name or word that is the first word in the Works Cited list, and every entry in the Works Cited is referenced in essay. Works Cited is properly formatted. Essay is at least Two full pages long (not counting quoted material) (not counting Works Cited page).
20.0 to >1.0 pts 1.0 to >0 pts
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeD: Organization, Voice, and Audience.Essay is organized into developed paragraphs that support the thesis. Topic of essay is covered thoroughly. Transitions are elegant. Essay features an appropriate ratio of original ideas, examples, quotes, paraphrases and summaries. Writer’s voice is correct for the task at hand, 3rd person, authoritative. Writer maintains formal voice. Writer’s awareness of audience limits ov