Wise Blood Paper Expectations
Two (2) full pages, double-spaced, please.
Tell me where the paper is going in the introductory (first) paragraph.
Support your ideas by quoting from the text. Follow the magic formula for success:
Introduce, short quote from the text (page #).
As a young child up through his teenage years, Haze assumed he would be a preacher, He was going to be a preacher like his grandfather, and a preacher can always do without a foot (15).
Then of course, analyze/interpret the quote. What does it mean? How does this connect with where your paper is going? How and why does the character think like this, etc.
It is important that your paper tell me something I dont know. Move beyond merely summarizing the plot. Your analysis and interpretation moves you beyond simply telling me what happened. What do YOU think about the text?
Lastly, you do need to conclude what you have said about Wise Blood. Briefly summarize YOUR position/ideas.
Nota bene: Since plagiarism has occurred a lot with this project in the past, dont even try it. I am much more interested to hear your ideas than some website that may not be reliable in the first place.
What exactly is the true meaning behind the phrase “wise blood” that is used multiple times throughout the book?